Here's just about everything all mounted on the frame in drivable format. It's really jammed in there, and because I only loosely lay out how things will fit in the design the last few pieces of pneumatics always end up looking for a home amongst the sprockets and bearings. |
I machined a block of Delrin to make a quick receiver battery clamp. I'm not sure why but I've always had a real problem with mounting these things in my other robots - there's just something unwieldy about them. But from now on I'm using solid state DC-DC converters so that I have one less charging port to deal with at the event. |
These are the vertical risers that formed the side frame. I took the precaution of milling slots in the sides to reduce the weight. The flanges sticking off the end are used to screw the top frame on, completing the box. It was a lot of work getting that mounted but last thing I needed was to permanently weld everything in. The red shop rag is protecting all the critial stuff from weld spatters. |
Here's everything crammed in place: blue nicads toward the back, power distribution bus in the middle, Vantec and receiver toward the front. Behind the nicad packs are the black and silver pneumatic regulator and pilot valve. |

As usual, the night before the event is when the final armor goes on. I used 3mm thick carbon fiber laminate, cut with a thin abrasive blade on an air grinder. It flung carbon and resin dust everywhere but it sure was easy. 6-32 screws fastened it to the steel frame. |

The final beast. Yes that weapon sticks out as far as it looks, and served to be a real liability in a fight. See below.
There were real problems with this robot when it was done. First, too much weight hung forward over the drive wheels (on the swivel caster) so I lost a lot of traction, making it even harder to drive. Second the geometry of that 9 mile long weapon made it impossible to get lined up on anyone, or have to torque to keep it lined up when in contact with an opponent.
But it was too late to fix any of this, so I just had to hope for the best and have fun regardless of my performance. |