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Team Delta 1999

Dan Danknick

I do it all

Current Interests
International banking theory, psycholinguistics, dwarf tossing

Greatest Accomplishment
Saving up my allowance at age 14 to buy the TRS-80 macro assembler v1.0

Most Amazing Fact
Angular momentum is quantized, we humans have retrovirus DNA spliced into our genomes

Greatest Maneuver
Getting out of a ticket by explaining microwave multipath aliasing to a motorcycle cop

Most Admired
Kelly Johnson for building the SR-71 and the stealth fighter

Randy Lovin

If we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
Transportation and Logisticts

Current Interests
Wireless networking, "Lasers," how they get the ships into those bottles

Greatest Accomplishment
I once started a car with carburetor cleaner

Most Amazing Fact
Dogs and bees can smell fear

Greatest Maneuver
360 Aerial on the kneeboard

BOB Pitzer

REAL MEN build robots that can transport themselves plus an additional 600 lbs!"
BOB - circa 1999
BOB - Builder of All Things Cool

Current Interests
Anything to do with moving parts, large breasted women, magnetic levitation

Greatest Feat
Convincing Engineering school that I knew Math

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Rocky Road

Best liked Presidential Candidate
The Terminator - Kill'em all!

Kevin Kennedy

Those who love sausage and respect the law shouldn't watch either one being made.
I'm only here for the food

Greatest Accomplishment
Sold the Lybians a nuclear bomb filled with used pinball machine parts

Most Amazing Fact
Nitrogen nodules cling to the roots of plants

Most Admired
Harry Floogle - Designer of the Floogle-Binder

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